For gardeners, a trip to the local garden center in the spring is as tempting as a visit to the candy store. How do you choose between your old favorites and all the gorgeous new varieties? And aren’t there lots more new plants every year than you found twenty years ago?
Yes, there are indeed many more choices today than in the past. This explosion is due to both the impact of technology and the globalization of the gardening industry.
Developing, growing and marketing new varieties for gardens is big business. According to Bruce Butterfield of the National Gardening Association, about one in three American households (36 million) participate in flower gardening. These households spend $2.3 billion on flowers and their care. In addition, parks, municipalities and businesses now maintain floral displays. This country is in a veritable blooming boom.
And of course the suppliers of plants are anxious to be the ones to market the next big thing. According to St. Louisan Bill Ruppert of National Nursery Products, you may be tempted next year by a black petunia. And here in the Midwest, garden centers will be featuring the annual Angelonia, a snapdragon-like flower that loves heat.
Continue reading How does your garden grow? With lots of new varieties, thanks to technology and globalization