Treatments sought to counter inflammation in many diseases

Increasingly, news about health and medicine mentions inflammation. There is a reason for this new emphasis on an old syndrome.

Physicians and researchers have come to recognize that inflammation is a major component of many chronic diseases, ranging from some heart conditions to epilepsy. Science has made great strides in understanding the many molecules and interactions involved in the inflammatory process, and today’s investigators look for increases in these molecules to indicate underlying inflammation. And they have realized that inflammation causes much more damage than formerly thought.

This article looks at several chronic diseases in which inflammation plays a part.

What is inflammation?

Traditionally, inflammation has been described by four Latin words: rubor (redness), dolor (pain), calor (heat), and tumor (swelling.) It is the body’s response to a noxious stimulus; envision that painful red swelling around a bacteria-laden splinter.

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Missouri conservation agents say they have nailed caviar crooks in Ozarks

Caviar, the snack of czars.  The word symbolizes luxury food at its most expensive.

Caviar– and the money to be made from selling it—was behind a two-year undercover investigation and sting by conservation agencies. That operation ended on March 13 -14 with more than 100 citations and arrests of suspects from Missouri.  In addition, eight men of eastern European descent, seven from out of state, were federally indicted for interstate trafficking of poached wildlife products.  The wildlife in question is the paddlefish, native to Missouri and surrounding states.

About 85 Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) agents worked with about 40 agents from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with cooperation of local law enforcement from Benton County, MO and conservation agents from sixteen other states.

The story rivals any good suspense novel where money is the motive.

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Worldwide water suppy is a finite resource that must be managed

The earth’s population is growing, estimated to top 10 billion during this century.  The earth’s supply of water is constant.  Already, 70% of the world’s fresh water is used for agriculture.

water droplets on leafBecause the same amount of water will be needed to support agriculture for 2.7 billion more people by 2050, water is increasingly being viewed as a finite natural resource that must be carefully managed. It is estimated that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population could be living under the stress of water scarcity.

The United Nations has designated 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation, and March 22 as World Water Day.

The Danforth Plant Science Center will devote the next two of its Conversations programs to water topics.  On March 21, the topic will be “Water Availability and the Impact on Global Agriculture.”

Speakers will be Dr. Roberto Lenton, Executive Director of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, and Michael Doane, Vice President of Sustainable Agriculture Policy at Monsanto Company.  The format will be a discussion moderated by Dr. Jim Davis, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Washington University.

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Counting frogs and toads, one croak at a time

The frogs are alright.

Locally, and across the state of Missouri, frogs and toad populations have remained stable for at least 6 years.

This less-than-startling news is actually very good news, in view of a worldwide decline in frog and toad numbers, with about 500 of the approximately 6000 known species considered critically endangered.

Chitrid fungus deadly, habitat destruction deadlier

Some of the amphibian decline can be traced to the deadly chytrid fungus that is currently decimating frog and toad populations in Central and South America.  This fungus has been traced to the South African clawed frog, used in pregnancy testing in the mid 1900’s.  That species was resistant to the fungus, but was a ‘typhoid Mary’ type of carrier.  The fungus is spread by contact and in the water. It does not do well in very warm temperatures.

American bullfrog: This very large frog –3-6 inches in body length—must live in permanent water, as it takes 1 ½ years to progress from egg to completed tadpole metamorphosis. Eggs are laid in the summer. To hear the bullfrog’s call go to Photo courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation
American bullfrog: This very large frog –3-6 inches in body length—must live in permanent water, as it takes 1½ years to progress from egg to completed tadpole metamorphosis. Eggs are laid in the summer. Listen to the bullfrog’s call.
Photo courtesy of Missouri Department of Conservation

The chytrid fungus came to Missouri in the 1960’s, so the 24 species of frogs and toads in the state are either naturally resistant, like the American bullfrog, or have survived the crisis, according to Missouri Department of Conservation’s herpetologist Jeff Briggler.

According to Briggler and St. Louis Zoo naturalist instructor Mike Dawson, by far the greater danger to amphibians is habitat destruction.  Since amphibians breed in water, wetland destruction is the destroyer of populations.  Weather may play a role. Introduction of a new fungus or bacterium may cause a frog or toad pandemic.
Continue reading Counting frogs and toads, one croak at a time

Intermittency: Achilles’ heel of renewable energy

William Pickard believes in long range planning—at least 70 years into the future.  He foresees the economic end to earth’s fossil fuel supply before the end of this century, and hopes to promote a smooth transition to an energy future fueled by renewables.  But he is wary of what has been called the Achilles’ heel of renewable energy—intermittency.

This retired Washington University professor of electrical and systems engineering fears that in their retirements his grandchildren will have a drastically reduced standard of living if the world does not develop and implement  technology to assure a constant supply of electricity.

William Pickard, professor at Washington University
William F. Pickard, Ph.D. Professor of electrical and systems engineering at Washington University School of Engineering (retired)

Pickard recently co-edited a special volume of the Proceedings of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) entitled “The Intermittency Challenge: Massive Energy Storage in a Sustainable Future.”  In this volume the authors discuss various strategies for coping with the fact that the sun only shines during the day, and the “Wind bloweth where it listeth” (John 3:8, King James Bible).

Sun and wind can provide plenty of energy to support a modern industrial world. Gregory Wilson, Director of the National Center for Photovoltaics, calculates that even with the less-than-constant sun of St. Louis, and using today’s solar panels, a field 7% the size of the United States landmass could power the entire planet. Of course many areas on earth have nearly constant daily sunshine.  And many areas are prone to windy conditions.

Unfortunately sun and wind electricity cannot be stored on a large scale at present.  Without storage, and without backup generators burning fossil fuels, it could be cold and dark at night—with no television to entertain and the possibility that a visit to the emergency room might not even allow an X-ray.

Continue reading Intermittency: Achilles’ heel of renewable energy